Happy Birthday to Jace from Ms. Nikki Johnson's class! #LittleRams #HappyBirthday

Check out these cuties who earned Student of the Month in Ms. Taylor's class! Great work, kids! #littlerams

Paragould Schools WILL be in session tomorrow on Monday, January 13th. We will see our little rams in the morning by 7:45am! Until then, enjoy these beautiful photos of our snowy campus and some of Ms. Hatcher's #LittleRams enjoying the snow day! 😊❄️🌨️🏂⛄️

English: PSD will be in session on Monday, January 13. Buses will run snow routes and will only avoid areas that are not safe for travel. Snow routes have been posted on the District website. Only modified bus routes are listed on the website. All other routes will run as normal.
Español: PSD estará en sesión el lunes 13 de enero. Los autobuses circularán por rutas de nieve y solo evitarán áreas que no sean seguras para viajar. Las rutas de nieve se han publicado en el sitio web del Distrito. En el sitio web solo se enumeran las rutas de autobús modificadas. Todas las demás rutas serán normales.
Majol: Jikuul kein an PSD renaaj bar jeplaak im ijjino ilo Mandre, Jànwode 13 raan. Bus ko renaaj ettor wot ilo ial ko rejiņo bōtaab reban bōk ial ko rekauwōtata. Ial ko rejiņo emōj kalikkari ilo wepjait an jikuul kein. Bus ko wot me ewōr oktak ikijjeen ial ko aer wōt emōj kalikari ilo wepjait in. Ial ko jet an bus kein renaaj būk wōt imminene ko aer.

PSD will be closed Friday, January 10. AMI work is no longer required as a result of school closure due to inclement weather. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority and we believe this decision is necessary given the current conditions. We encourage everyone to stay safe and warm.
Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, PSD estará cerrado el viernes, 10 de enero. El trabajo de AMI ya no es necesario como resultado del cierre de las escuelas debido a las inclemencias del tiempo. La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y el personal es nuestra máxima prioridad, y creemos que esta decisión es necesaria dadas las condiciones actuales. Animamos a todos a mantenerse a salvo y caliente.
Kon mejatoto in ak weather in, PSD enaj kilok ilju Bilade, Jan 10. Jerbal ko an AMI enaj jab bar komon ilo jikuul eo konke enaj kilok jikuul in kon mejatoto in ak weather in. Men eo elap an aurok nan kojbarok rijikuul im rikaki ro an jikuul in. Im kelet in ej komon ekar nan mejatoto in. Jej kajitok iben aolep bwe ren bed ijoko remenan im kejbarok wot.

PSD will be closed Friday, January 10. AMI work is no longer required as a result of school closure due to inclement weather. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority and we believe this decision is necessary given the current conditions. We encourage everyone to stay safe and warm.
Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, PSD estará cerrado el viernes, 10 de enero. El trabajo de AMI ya no es necesario como resultado del cierre de las escuelas debido a las inclemencias del tiempo. La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y el personal es nuestra máxima prioridad, y creemos que esta decisión es necesaria dadas las condiciones actuales. Animamos a todos a mantenerse a salvo y caliente.
Kon mejatoto in ak weather in, PSD enaj kilok ilju Bilade, Jan 10. Jerbal ko an AMI enaj jab bar komon ilo jikuul eo konke enaj kilok jikuul in kon mejatoto in ak weather in. Men eo elap an aurok nan kojbarok rijikuul im rikaki ro an jikuul in. Im kelet in ej komon ekar nan mejatoto in. Jej kajitok iben aolep bwe ren bed ijoko remenan im kejbarok wot.

The PTO meeting scheduled for this evening is cancelled. Stay safe and warm!☕️🪵🔥


Happy Birthday yesterday to Er’Yenai from Mrs. Emily Moore’s class! We're so happy to celebrate with you today! ❤️

Happy Birthday to Griffey from Mrs. Emily Moore’s first grade class! Griffey is wishing for a snow day tomorrow for his birthday! 🩵❄️

Check out Ms. Tounsand's sweet Student of the Month! He loves his new book from the book vending machine! #littlerams

WOAH!!!! Check out all these Lexia Level Achievers! Our kids are working hard and making great progress! #littlerams

WOAH!!!! Check out all these Lexia Level Achievers! Our kids are working hard and making great progress! #littlerams

These awesome kids in Ms. Cole's class completed a Lexia Level and got to choose a new book from the Book Vending Machine! Great work, kids! #littlerams

Ms. Horvath is super proud of her Students of the Month! Great work, sweet kids! #littlerams

Check out these hard-working kiddos in Ms. Boozer's class who passed a Lexia level. You rock! #littlerams

These awesome kids in Ms. Johnson's class completed a Lexia Level and got to choose a new book from the Book Vending Machine! Great work, kids! #littlerams

These awesome kids in Ms. Hatcher's class completed a Lexia Level and got to choose a new book from the Book Vending Machine! Great work, kids! #littlerams

These awesome kids in Ms. Taber's class completed a Lexia Level and got to choose a new book from the Book Vending Machine! Great work, kids! #littlerams

Ms. Newberry has some sweet Students of the Month who got new books from the Book Vending Machine! Great work, kids!