Congratulations to these mathematicians in Ms. Gantt's class for leveling up on Dreambox! #LittleRams

Fun Friday in Ms. Nikki's class! They earned donuts for getting three in a row on their January behavior bingo board and learned about the phases of the moon with Oreos! #LittleRams #FunFriday

Happy Happy Birthday to Emma Drum from Mrs. Emily Moore’s class! 🥳 #LittleRams

Congratulations to Ms. Gantt's Lexia Superstars! #LittleRams

Mrs. Amber Horvath's class learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today and how he was an American hero! They also did a directive drawing! ❤️ #LittleRams

Please note that school will be closed this coming Monday, January 20. Enjoy your long weekend,. We look forward to seeing you back in class on Tuesday, January 21.
Tenga en cuenta que la escuela estará cerrada Lunes 20 de enero. Disfruta de tu fin de semana largo, y esperamos verte de vuelta en clase el martes 21 de enero.
Jouj im kakemejmej wot bwe ilo Mande in tok, Janode 20th rnaj ejelok jikuul, leimonono ilo weekend in aetok. Im jenaj bar loe kom ilo Juje 21 raan.

REMINDER: No school on Monday! Enjoy your three-day weekend!

Check out the program for tonight's Winter Story Night! The fun starts at 5:30 at Paragould Primary! We have snacks, crafting, great celebrity storytellers, a lighted, outdoor winter wonderland, and every kid goes home with a new book. It's all FREE! Join us! #littlerams

The Miss PSD Pageant is scheduled for February 15th. The deadline to turn in your entry forms is January 31st. Detailed information can be found here and entry packets are available at all of our schools. Email Jennifer Wallace at jwallace@paragouldschools.net with questions.

ATTENTION: We are giving away an Epic Treasure Chest today full of awesome prizes! Act now! Simply invite 10+ friends and family members to support our Book Blast and your student will have a chance to win. Don't miss this epic opportunity! If you haven’t already, register here: (https://dxmejt6b.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fapp.booksarefun.com%2FParagouldP72450/1/0100019469be61e6-c81f14ee-c59f-4b25-805e-d1d2970c8500-000000/jxZx9v3t9BURs14Lw5a_RPm0MeM=409)
#bookblastadventures #literacymatters #booksarefun #bookblast @go.booksarefun
ATENCIÓN: ¡Today regalaremos un Cofre del Tesoro Épico lleno de premios increíbles! ¡Actúa ahora! Simplemente invita a 10+ amigos y familiares para apoyar nuestro Book Blast y tu estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de ganar. ¡No te pierdas esta valiosa oportunidad! Si aún no lo has hecho, regístrate aquí: (https://dxmejt6b.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fapp.booksarefun.com%2FParagouldP72450/1/0100019469be61e6-c81f14ee-c59f-4b25-805e-d1d2970c8500-000000/jxZx9v3t9BURs14Lw5a_RPm0MeM=409).

Ms. Gantt's class built teepees after learning about Native Americans! #LittleRams

Congratulations to Ms. Gantt's Students of the Month! We are so proud of your hard work! #littlerams

Ms. Joiner's students learned how to hop to the next 10! #LittleRams

Congratulations to the P.E. MVP, Mickel Moore, in Ms. Tabitha's class! You can tell she was working hard during P.E. class! #LittleRams #MVP #PhysicalEducation

Dear Paragould Primary Families,
Exciting news! We are partnering with Books Are Fun and their Book Blast program to help build our students’ home libraries. For over 30 years, Books Are Fun has been a trusted partner in promoting literacy.
Today, our students will learn about the Book Blast Program and the importance of having their own books at home. Tonight, we are asking you to take 7 minutes to support our Student Home Library initiative. Click Here: https://app.booksarefun.com/ParagouldP72450
Here are the steps:
Click the link above.
Register your student(s).
Send invitations to at least 10 friends or family members to support our students (Don’t worry, all the information you provide is secure and never shared with anyone).
Need help registering? Watch this short step by step video: https://www.bb.booksarefun.com/how-to-complete
Why I love this program:
It’s guaranteed to put new, age-appropriate books into the hands of every student!
100% of all contributions go toward new books and classroom supplies.
The book list is fantastic! It’s attached, check it out.
It will take you less than 10 minutes and there is NO financial requirement from you.
More books in your homes equals more pages being read! That’s the goal. We’re hoping for 100% participation.
Want to see Book Blast in action? Watch this news clip from Fulton Elementary: Fulton Elementary News Clip
Thank you for helping our students have more books.

Bus 74 and 92 will run snow routes on Wednesday, January 15 and will only avoid areas that are not safe for travel. Snow routes have been posted on the District website. Only modified bus routes are listed on the website. All other routes will run as normal.
Los autobuses 74 y 92 realizarán rutas de nieve el miércoles 15 de enero y sólo evitarán las zonas que no sean seguras para viajar. Las rutas de nieve se han publicado en el sitio web del Distrito. En el sitio web solo se enumeran las rutas de autobús modificadas. Todas las demás rutas serán normales.
Bus 74 im 92 renaj ettor ilo ial ko rejinno ilo Wenje, Janore 15 im reban bok ial ko rekauwatata nan ettor. Bus ko renaaj ettor wot ilo ial ko rejiņo bōtaab reban bōk ial ko rekauwōtata. Ial ko rejiņo emōj kalikkari ilo wepjait an jikuul kein. Bus ko wot me ewōr oktak ikijjeen ial ko aer wōt emōj kalikari ilo wepjait in. Ial ko jet an bus kein renaaj būk wōt imminene ko aer.

Congratulations to our Employees of the Week for January 7-17. We are so fortunate to have you on our team! Thank you to our sponsors: Batten's Donuts and Scooter's Coffee! #littlerams

🎂 Are you ready to celebrate your child's January birthday? Join us tomorrow for January birthday lunches! Parents are welcome to bring food for themselves and their little ones, or your child can enjoy a tray from the school cafeteria. 🥪✨ Make sure to check the attached schedule for their lunchtime! See you soon!🎈🥳

You're going to want to be there! Join us this Friday, January 17 from 5:30-7:00 for an amazing Winter Story Night! We will have milk and cookies, crafts, cookie decorating, an amazing lighted Winter Wonderland, and fantastic local celebrities sharing their favorite storybooks with us! And it's all FREE! Make sure to come! #littlerams

Buses will run snow routes on Tuesday, January 14 and will only avoid areas that are not safe for travel. Snow routes have been posted on the District website. Only modified bus routes are listed on the website. All other routes will run as normal.