For a smooth drop off and pick up, please remember these times and have your car tag visible at all times in our afternoon car rider line. #carriderinfo
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Car Line
Peewee Volleyball Information for PSD!
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
PeeWee Volleyball
PeeWee Volleyball
PeeWee Volleyball
Another back to school blessing we wanted to share with the community! #backtoschool2023 #baldwinelementary #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Back to School Blessing
This year's theme is "It Takes a Village". Today we are opening up the sale of theme shirts to all in our Ram village and that means YOU! Support the Rams and buy one before the shop closes on 8/21/23. Use the QR code on the flyer to order or check out the link on our website.
over 1 year ago, Paragould School District
It Takes a Village PSD shirt
Mark your calendars! Next Monday is our first day of school and a WONDERFUL day to order pizza for dinner! Thank you for your continued community support as we start a new year! #MovingForward #baldwinelementary #papajohns #pizzafordinner
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Papa Johns Night
Our community welcomed back Baldwin teachers and staff by treating us to a delicious lunch on our first day back at school for meetings. Thank you 7th & Mueller Church of Christ for showing your support for another successful year at Baldwin Elementary! #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Teacher Lunch
The staff and students of the Paragould School District volunteered at the United Way's Stuff the Bus event today. We'd like to say thank you to the patrons of Paragould who generously gave to our students.
over 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Volunteers at Stuff the Bus
Baldwin Elementary would like to introduce our new counselor, Mrs. Casey Hogan! We are so happy to have you as a part of our fantastic Baldwin team! #MovingForward #baldwinelementary #2324schoolyear
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Mrs. Casey Hogan
Make sure to have the Paragould School District app on your phone for the 23-24 school year. Family/Teacher communication will be through the Rooms feature on our district app to streamline all school information in one organized place! #RoomsCommunication #PSDapp #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Great news regarding parent-teacher communication coming from our PK-6 buildings! You've used the Paragould School District app to stay up-to-date on district and school news, events, and dining but now there's MORE! PSD will use Rooms, a parent-teacher chat, that is fully integrated into our app so you can see class specific announcements and to send/receive direct messages to your child's teacher. Download the PSD app today and be on the lookout for an email from EduRooms to get started.
over 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Rooms - Parent/Teacher Chat
Your Paragould Rams will be at Walmart on West Kingshighway in Paragould on August 5th collecting items to STUFF THE BUS! All donated items stay right here in Greene County schools.
over 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Stuff the Bus flyer
All students are invited to have POPSICLES WITH PRINCIPALS! See the photo for date, time and location. #psdrams #popsicleswithprincipals #weputthepalinprincipal
over 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Invitation to Popsicles with Principals on June 29th from 1 - 2pm at Labor Park
K-6 students who registered for the Summer Academic/Athletic Camps, please see info below for dates and information: Session 1 Week 1 (June 12-15) Week 2 (June 19-22) Session 2 Week 3 (July 10-13) Week 4 (July 17-20) All dates are Monday through Thursday. Bus pick up times are on our website. Breakfast will be served beginning at 8:00am. Your child will go to the campus they attended during the 2022-23 school year with one exception: if your K-1 student attended OGE, they will attend camp at the Primary. For other questions, please call your child's school.
almost 2 years ago, Paragould School District
Thank you to Nathan and David Summitt from Summitt Tree Service for donating much needed mulch to our playground! #baldwinelementary #communitysupport
almost 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Playground Improvements
Playground Improvements
Playground Improvements
PSD loves to feed students! Check out the image below with the dates, times, and locations of our summer feeding program. Open to children ages 1-18 years.
almost 2 years ago, Paragould School District
Summer Feeding Program
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for last week! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
almost 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
RAMarkable Rams
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo
almost 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Congratulations to Travis Gilliand, Caylee Finley, Dannah Franklin, Joseph Clanton, and Remmington Ramsey for meeting their AR goal for the fourth quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading
almost 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo
almost 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for last week! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
almost 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
RAMarkable Rams