Congratulations to Ziela Jones and Miranda Oliver for mastering multiplication through 9s! We also want to congratulate Honor Adams for mastering multiplication through 12s! #mathwork #fourthgrademath #baldwinelementary #BESomebody

Congratulations to Honor Adams, Faylinn Sebasty, Riley Ramsey, and Khaleesi Lamb for meeting their AR goal for the fourth quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Congratulations to Cam Anderson, Wyatt Manes, Laynnie Shelton, Emma Norman, Adrian Hilderbran, Ryder King, Gregory Robinson, Mayce Foresythe, John Mayberry, and Carson Milburn for meeting their AR goal for the fourth quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Congratulations to Jacob Biggs, Liam Nuckles, Aiden Ooten, Layla Bartlett, Ava Vandermark, Jackson Sharp, Chloe Evans, and Kylee Grimsley for meeting their AR goal for the fourth quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Congratulations to Kaylee Carter, Chesney Brasher, Brooklyn Reed, Michael Edgar, Brasher Smith, and Mason Weaver for meeting their AR goal for the fourth quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Caretakers - are you looking for summer programs for your current Kindergarten through 6th grade students? Look no further! Registration is open NOW until Wednesday, May 17th for our Academic/Athletic Camps. Offered to PSD students at NO COST, this is a great way to keep your kids entertained this summer. Click the link below for more information and to sign up. Go Rams!
Academic/Athletic Camp Information Sheet https://drive.google.com/file/d/16V5DLPOU8ftcek8yDKNfxNcO32DYGxD3/view?usp=share_link
Academic/Athletic Camp Registration Link

Congratulations to Corey Smith, Parker Lancaster, and Greenlee Moss for meeting their AR goal for the fourth quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Baldwin End of Year Awards

Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for last week! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens

Ram Run

Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo

Don't forget to order pizza from Papa Johns on Monday, May 8th from 4-8 p.m.!
10% of all sales comes back to Baldwin! #baldwinpizzanight #communitysupport

Congratulations to Edith Womack, Andrew Burns, and Marcus Wells for meeting their AR goal for the fourth quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for last week! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens

Congratulations to Liam Nuckles He won our Perfect Attendance prize on Friday! All students who have perfect attendance all week are entered into a drawing every Friday! #BEsomebody #attendancematters #behereorbesquare

Congratulations to Ja'Cobe Junkersfeld for meeting his AR goal for the fourth quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

We are proud to announce our April Students of the Month! #studentsofthemonth

Congratulations to Brayleigh Crews and Edelaya Copeland for meeting their AR goal for the fourth quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Congratulations to Justin Wright He won our Perfect Attendance prize on Friday! All students who have perfect attendance all week are entered into a drawing every Friday! #BEsomebody #attendancematters #behereorbesquare

Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo