Congrats to these AWESOME third graders for mastering Addition Math Facts! Students L to R: LaShae Ramsey, Michael Edgar, Gage Rowland, Kayla Heussner, Evan Cash, and Daniel Rushford.
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Addition Math Facts
Congratulations to our top typists for the month of August! These students have worked hard in Computer Lab to improve their typing skills each week! Mrs. Christie will award each top student and each top class 2 Dojo points. #typingskills #computerlab
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Computer Lab
Congratulations to Bryson Dean! He met his AR goal for the 1st quarter! We are so very proud of his hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Congratulations to our August Students of the Month! These students were chosen for their RAMarkable behavior and positive attitude during the month of August! #baldwinelementary #MovingForward #StudentsOfTheMonth
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Congratulations to Desmond Allen! He met his AR goal for the 1st quarter! We are so very proud of his hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Mrs. Hay's fourth grade math classes compared prices of different houses today for an enrichment activity! #fourthgrademath #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Congratulations to Greenlee Moss! She met her AR goal for the 1st quarter! We are so very proud of her hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Picture Day is ONE WEEK AWAY! Don't forget to make sure your student is present on September 5th and dressed to impress! #pictureday #yearbookpics #baldwinelementary
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Picture Day
We wish our 3rd and 4th grade volleyball players ALL the luck today! #volleyball #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for Week 2! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend on the cart every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #MovingForward #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #MovingForward #awesomekiddo
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Our PHS football players came to Baldwin and greeted our students this morning as they got off the bus or out of car line! We wish our players luck in beating GCT tonight! #RamPride #baldwinelementary
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Congratulations to Parker Lancaster and Edith Womack! These students met their AR goal for the 1st quarter! We are so very proud of their hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
Tuesday, September 5th will be our Fall Picture Day here at Baldwin! The Fall picture will be your student's yearbook picture for the 2023-2024 school year! #YearbookPics #FallPictureDay #DressToImpress
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Fall Picture Day
eWallet setups are now OPEN! Use this easy online account to set up money for your student to spend at the book fair starting September 8th! No cash to lose and you can share their account with family members so they can add funds all throughout the week of the fair!
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Ms. Wendy’s 4th grade scientists had to solve a challenge this morning: How do I make this light bulb light up? They were only given a battery, wire, and a bulb. #HandsOnScience #FourthGrade #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
4th Grade
4th Grade
4th Grade
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #MovingForward #awesomekiddo
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for Week 1! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend on the cart every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #MovingForward #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
RAMarkable Rams
GT Information
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
GT Information
Many thanks to one of our Partners in Education, Allen Engineering, for their support each year! We are thankful to have such wonderful and charitable friends in the community! #PartnersInEd #baldwinelementary #communitysupport
over 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Thank You