Post 2:
Today is the day! Book Fair is open!!!! Set up those e-wallets or send some cash! Get those kids excited about books! If you want to join in the fun with your kiddo, visit us on Parent-Teacher night, October 3! #littlerams
Here is your E-Wallet link: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5619968 #littlerams

Post 1:
Today is the day! Book Fair is open!!!! Set up those e-wallets or send some cash! Get those kids excited about books! If you want to join in the fun with your kiddo, visit us on Parent-Teacher night, October 3! #littlerams
Here is your E-Wallet link: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5619968 #littlerams

Happy Birthday, Kenlee! #littlerams

Happy Birthday, Cash! #littlerams

Mrs Madyson’s class learned about the letter a sound today and had an apple investigation! They worked on counting, color recognition, and their new scientific observation skills! #littlerams

Book Fair is coming! September 27-October 4! Set up your child's E-Wallet here! https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5619968 #littlerams

Shoutout to Ms. Kinnard's class for earning their first library station day! Good work on following procedures and being respectful to your teacher and others during our library lessons! #littlerams

Shout out to Ms. Hancock's class on earning their first station day in library class! Thanks for being rock-star library learners! #littlerams

Congratulations to these fantastic kiddos who earned Student of the Month in Ms. Johnson's class! We are so proud of you! #littlerams

Save the Date! Paragould Primary Book Fair is coming! September 27-October 4! #littlerams

Happy birthday to Gracie in Ms. Cole's class! #littlerams

Happy Birthday to Liam! #littlerams

Happy Birthday, Bragen! #littlerams

Ms. Micah's class made skeletons to go along with their lesson about the skeletal system! They also came up with ways to make 9! #littlerams

Happy Belated Birthday, Maddox! We hope you had the best day! #littlerams

Please support the Primary and contribute to our fundraiser! Orders are due October 7th. #littlerams

Mrs. Pillow’s class played Tricky Word Bingo to work on those tricky words! #littlerams

Book Fair is coming! Set up your child's E-Wallet here! https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5619968

Mrs. Stefanie Hatcher's class reviewed equal expressions that make a certain total by working in groups! #littlerams

Ms. Leigh Ann's Lexia Superstars & Dreambox Achievers! #littlerams