Let's brag on our hardworking #littlerams! These kiddos met their minutes on Dreambox Math in the month of September!

Let's brag on our hardworking #littlerams! These kiddos passed a Lexia level in the month of September!

Happy Birthday, Archer! #littlerams

Happy Birthday, Taylor! #littlerams

Every kiddo in Mrs. Sheena's class got to pick out a free book at the Book Fair! Thank you Mrs. Amy! #littlerams

Ms. Taber's students won a free book from the Book Fair! Woohoo! #littlerams

Happy Birthday to Malachi from Ms. Nikki's class! #littlerams

Happy birthday to Elayna from Ms. Cole's class! We hope it was the best day ever! #littlerams

Congratulations to this awesome student in Ms. Burks' class! We are so proud of you! #littlerams

Congratulations to Ms. Fisher's Students of the Month! You rock! #littlerams

Congratulations to Ms. Cole's Students of the Month! Great work at being a student role model! #littlerams

Congratulations to Ms. Horvath's Students of the Month! We are so proud of you! #littlerams

Congratulations to Ms. Sheena's August & September Students of the Month! #littlerams

Congratulations to Ms. MacKenzie Fisher's September Students of the Month! #littlerams

Congratulations to Ms. Amber's September Students of the Month, Lillian & Easton! #littlerams

Congratulations to Ms. Marsha's September Students of the Month! #littlerams

Don't forget! Fundraiser orders are due on October 7th! You may also place orders online through NeedsYourSupport.org Group ID: MV3NK

Congratulations to our Employees of the Week for September 30-October 4! You help to make this a wonderful place to work! We love you BIG! #littlerams
Angela Burnside
Angie Hancock
Cori Hinkle
Jan Holtzman
Nikki Johnson
Libby Martin

Congratulations to Ms. Hatcher's Students of the Month! #littlerams

Congratulations to Ms. Jill Gray's September Students of the Month, Jasper & Harper! #littlerams