Mrs. Austin’s class would like to thank Mr. Dustin from Pay It Forward Paragould for reading Bully Beans to us and giving us jelly beans for courage! We loved it! #littlerams

Ms. Howe's class presented two of our custodians with precious Thank You posters for Custodian Appreciation Week! So sweet! #littlerams

Gage Taylor and Adilena Cruz are our Students of the Month in Ms. Moss's class. Thank you to First National Bank for providing the donuts. #littlerams

Mr. Dustin Rumsey from Pay It Forward Paragould read Bully Beans to Ms. Fisher's and Ms. Hinkle's classes today. Thank you! #littlerams

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we are wearing pink today to show our support to all who are battling breast cancer! #littlerams

We are so excited to be working with our NEW yearbook company, Wingard Photography.They have been in business since 1938 and are located right here in Arkansas!Click the link below to vote for your favorite cover.Winner announced next week. https://forms.gle/Z8YpGvtZQXzLQe8D6

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Pet Photo Contest. With your help, we were able to donate over $700 to the Greene County Animal Farm. #littlerams

Tuesday, October 15 is fall picture day for Paragould Primary School. Order forms will go home Friday, October 4.
Online ordering is available now. The website is: https://wingard.inter-state.com/
Use order code: 43165JA

Ms. Jercinovic's Students of the Month are sweeties! Thank you First National Bank for the yummy donuts! #littlerams

Ms. Camp's class went on a shape hunt in our school and found all kinds of shapes that they didn't even know were there. When they got back to the classroom, they drew a picture of something they found that had a shape in it. So fun! #littlerams

Ms. Fisher's Students of the Month are rockstars! Good work, kids. #littlerams

As you can see, Ms. Herring's Students of the Month REALLY enjoyed their donuts given by First National Bank. #littlerams

Ms. Hancock's Students of the Month are awesome, and they enjoyed their donuts from First National Bank! #littlerams

Check out Ms. Washington's Students of the Month! Thanks First National Bank for the donuts for our super kiddos!

Ms. Jones' class celebrated Johnny Appleseed by tasting apples, making hats, and creating apple puppets!

Ms. Jones is so proud of her Students of the Month! Thank you to First National Bank for the celebratory donuts! #littlerams

We are so excited to begin our yearbook journey with a brand new partner. Wingard Photography was founded in 1938 and is a local business that has always been in Gassville, Arkansas. Order forms will be sent home soon, but you can order online now! Check it out! #littlerams

Thank you First National Bank for donating donuts for our Students of the Month. You are incredible!

Check out our fantastic teachers and staff in the spotlight this week! #littlerams

Check out our fantastic teachers and staff in the spotlight this week! #littlerams