Our adorable Care Bear Kindergarten teachers are ready for Literacy Night and the Kinder concert. Join us at 5:45 at the Paragould Primary. Each student will also receive a book to take home. And it's all FREE! #littlerams

Singing with the Kinders! #littlerams

First graders love the Kinders! Come see them tonight at our free Kinder concert! 5:45 at Paragould Primary! #littlerams

Our teachers love the Kinders too! #littlerams

Join us for more fun with the Kinders tonight at 5:45. #littlerams

We love the Kinders! Our morning concerts are warming us up for our fantastic Literacy Night. Come join us for more fun tonight at 5:45. #littlerams

Check out these kids from Ms. Washington's class who had perfect attendance for the entire month of September! Great job! #littlerams

Congratulations to these awesome kiddos! They we Mrs. Austin’s September Students of the month! Way to go Tracer and Mariela! #littlerams

Mrs. Austin is very proud these kiddos! They all had Perfect Attendance for the month of September! #littlerams

A big thank you to Officer Cooper for coming to talk about his job as part of Community Helpers week in Mrs. Stefanie Hatcher's class.#littlerams

Ms. Hatcher's September Perfect Attendance Kids! Great job, guys! #littlerams

November 1 is the submission date for box tops. Ms. Martin would like to submit a record number this time. Both digital and clipped box tops are accepted. Please send those to school or scan them in soon! Thanks so much! #littlerams

A message from Ms. Flanery: Thank you to Ballard's Flowers in Paragould for the beautiful flowers! This was so kind and thoughtful of you! It made my day! #littlerams

Literacy Night is happening on Thursday, October 17 at 5:45. The Kinders will be here to put on a concert. Each student will take home a free book. It's all free, free, free.
It's going to be a great time. Don't miss it! #littlerams

Our Reading for Education kicks off today. Fill in those addresses! #littlerams

Picture Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, October 15. Order online if needed.

Check out our menus for the week! #littlerams

Students currently earn a $1 Ram Buck when they are found being safe, kind, and respectful.
Now, students will earn a special $5 Ram Buck each week they have perfect attendance. In order to receive this, they cannot check in late, check out early, or be absent any day that week.

This is just a reminder that the Paragould Primary PTO fundraiser orders and money are DUE on Monday, October 14.

Mrs. Austin’s class loved getting to hear all about fire safety from the Paragould Fire Department. Thank you for coming to talk to us! #littlerams