Ms. Kelle says these are some of our BIGGEST littlest Ram fans!! ❤️💙 #LittleRams

Mrs. Madyson’s class has been learning about the life cycle of plants and pollination from their friend Polly the Honeybee! Today, Mrs. Madyson turned her students into bees and they got to practice pollinating other flowers! 🐝🌸#LittleRams

Ms. Amber Horvath’s class painted and watched the magic flowers appear after studying about pollination and growth cycles! #LittleRams #WayToGrow

Happy Mystery Reader Friday from Mrs. Emily Moore’s room! ❤️💙 Cooper’s mom, Chelsea, came to read a fun book to everyone! #LittleRams

Smiles and feathers! 📸 Our teachers captured the moment with a little turkey, a key piece in our spirited Turkey Hunt. 🦃 Each turkey tracked down earned our eagle-eyed hunters a coveted jeans pass, adding comfort to their day. But don't put away your detective hats just yet! We'll be hiding these sneaky turkeys again every Thursday to keep the thrill alive. Happy hunting, #LittleRams! 🎉

Congratulations to our first two PE MVPs! Great work! #littlerams

Shout out to Ms. Boozer's class. Every single student was present at this week's library class! Attendance Matters! Great work, kids! #littlerams

Congratulations to these students in Ms. Hatcher's class! They passed a Lexia Level and got a new book from the book vending machine and got to sign the Lexia Levels tree. We are so proud of you! #littlerams

Congratulations to these sweeties from Ms. Taylor's class who earned Student of the Month! We are so proud of you! #littlerams

Check out this amazing kid in Ms.Boozer's class! He earned student of the month! We are so proud of you! #LittleRams

Ms. Leigh Ann's class celebrated Jo Jo's birthday! #LittleRams

Fundraiser items have been delivered to PPS. Please pick up between 4pm-6pm today!

Mrs. Madyson’s class has officially wrapped up their unit on shapes and have loved getting to show their creative side! They have built shapes out of everyday objects, made pictures with flat shapes, constructed 3D shapes, and even built houses for a new pet! #LittleRams

Mrs Madyson’s class learned about elections and presidents yesterday and then held their own election after reading “Duck for President”. The votes are in and Duck has won the election in Mrs. Madyson’s class! #LittleRams

Happy Birthday to Chevy! #LittleRams

Mrs. Stefanie Hatcher's class held a mock election today. The candidates were Wavy Lays and Classic Lays. Classic won by 2 votes! #LittleRams #vote

Congratulations to these awesome students in Ms. Newberry's class! They passed a level in Lexia and got a new book and a chance to sign the Lexia levels tree! We are so proud of you! #LittleRams

Congratulations to these awesome students in Ms. Cole's class! They passed a level on Lexia! They got to sign the Lexia levels Tree and get a book from the book vending machine! #LittleRams

Congratulations to these awesome students from Ms. Gants' class! They passed a level on Lexia! They got a new book from the book vending machine! #littlerams

Happy Birthday to Henry from Ms. Joiner's class! #LittleRams