Keep track of class and homework assignments coming up in your child's classes by using our lesson plan page.
Use this link:
Or go to our website, click Menu, Lesson Plans, Oak Grove Middle.

Need to place an order for a Little Caesar's Pizza kit? Hurry, hurry! Order forms are due back to school by this Thursday, September 12. Order from an OGMS student, or online at pizzakit.com using code 373591.

Happy National Read A Book Day. At OGMS, we LOVE to read -especially our principals and school resource officer. They know that reading opens doors, builds imagination, and inspires our kids. Celebrate this day with your kids by reading a book! #OGMSRams

Happy Three-Day Weekend, everyone! There is NO SCHOOL this Monday, September 2, in honor of Labor Day. Be safe and enjoy that extra day!

Picture day is NEXT WEEK. School picture order forms are coming home in backpacks TODAY. Parents, you can order pictures online or send money with the order form on or before September 5, 2019.

OGMS Picture Day is next week. Fliers will be going home on Wednesday to remind parents and students that picture day is next Thursday, Sept. 5th. Look forward to seeing all those smiling faces!

Things are really going great at OGMS and today was another great day. We had our second multiplication speed test so be sure to ask your student how they did. Reward party for that is on Friday. Also, we sent home letters about our After School Program that starts soon.

Last week, Mr. Hay's 6th grade science classes investigated a hypothesis using sponges. We have young scientists in the making! #OGMSRams

Volleyball practice is today! 5th grade at 3:30-4:30 and 6th grade at 4:30-5:30. Players MUST have a ride home at the designated times. Practice is also tomorrow and Thursday. Travel teams will be announced Friday during school. Thank you!

Day number 2 is in the books at OGMS and it has been a great 2 days. Please turn in all the forms your students brought home the first day. Students have now transitioned to all of their classes and Thursday we will be on regular schedule. Only the Best at OGMS!

Day number 2 is in the books at OGMS and it has been a great 2 days. Please turn in all the forms your students brought home the first day. Students have now transitioned to all of their classes and Thursday we will be on regular schedule. Only the Best at OGMS!

OGMS teachers participated in team building exercises last week to prepare for students this week.

Nothing like popsicles in the first day of school!

Open House 2019 is in the books! We cannot wait for the first day of school!

Hey, don't forget OGMS Open House is Tuesday night. 6th grade starts at 5:00 and 5th grade is at 6:00.
Students may bring their supplies, get their schedules, and meet all their teachers.

Congratulations to the Certified Employees of the Year! Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our students and for being a part of a tremendous team of educators at PSD! #psdrams

Proud to announce the new PHS Head Boys’ Basketball Coach—Jace Watson!! It’s a great day to be a Ram! #psdrams