OGMS science fair and Family Science Night is Thursday night starting at 6:00. Come out and see some wonderful projects from our students and experience some thrilling hands-on science experiments with the family. All takes place in OGMS gym from 6-7 Thursday night. ONLY THE BEST AT OGMS!
Join us in celebrating The Great Kindness Challenge!
After school tutoring starts tomorrow at OGMS. If your child is taking part in this, they can either be picked up in car line at 4:30 or ride a bus home. If they ride a bus, they should be home between 4:45-5:30. ONLY THE BEST AT OGMS!
So proud of the OGMS Polar Plungers that took the swim today for a great cause. We raised over $1,100 to help Area 1 Special Olympics. Great day, great cause, great kids and a little on the cold side. Thanks to all that donated and plunged. ONLY THE BEST AT OGMS!
OGMS celebrated the 100th day of school in math and engineering fashion in Mrs Bateman’s class. Students counted out 100 M&Ms and graphed their results. They also built structures with 100 marshmallows and toothpicks.
OGMS After School tutoring program starts back up Monday, January 27th. We still have 10 spots available. If you would like your son/daughter to participate, please call the school at 240-2241.
Parents, this is just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20, as we observe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We hope your kids enjoy the three day weekend! Be safe!
A great week of celebration at OGMS so far and it continues the next two days. Pep rally yesterday. ACT Aspire Science celebration today with extra recess for those that scored above benchmark. Thursday is Perfect attendance, Honor Roll and Principal rewards. Friday is Accelerated Reader celebration. Making sure all OGMS students are hitting or striving for high educational outcomes. Only the Best at OGMS!
Congratulations to OGMS for winning the Exxon Education Award of Excellence. OGMS was presented a $500 check to help continue the legacy of “A-ha”education moments. Only the Best at OGMS!!
This is a reminder that the OGMS After School Program will not begin until Monday, January 27. Keep an eye out on Facebook for further updates, or sign up for email reminders by emailing kcook@paragouldschools.net
OGMS 2nd 9 weeks awards assemblies will be Thursday. 5th grade assembly at 12:30 followed by 6th grade assembly at 1:45.
OGMS will begin the after-school tutoring program on Monday, January 27. More information may be coming home with individual students before January 27. If you are interested in enrolling your child in after-school tutoring, please contact your child's homeroom teacher.
All during the month of December we have encouraged our students to be at school and have excellent behavior. Thanks to generous donation, today we rewarded some of our students for achieving theses goals. Great things are always happening at OGMS. Only the Best at OGMS!
OGMS choir students performed some Christmas songs today for some very special people at Sunshine Manor. Great job Mrs Hamilton and the OGMS choir students. Thank you Sunshine Manor and residents for allowing us to come out today. Only the BEST at OGMS!
Congratulations to our Spelling Bee winners! These students compete in the county Bee after Christmas. #OGMSRams #onlytheBESTatOGMS
Edulastic assessment celebration today with some extra outside time. We are so proud of all these students for doing their best and achieving the goal we established. Beautiful Day, Achieving Success, and ONLY THE BEST AT OGMS!
Students work hard in after-school tutoring! #onlytheBESTatOGMS
OGMS would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving! Keep enjoying your break!
Our Hungry Hippo BAM event that took place Friday was a huge success. So proud of all our OGMS students that fit the BAM criteria and earned this reward. There was a lot of bumping along the way and two teams came out victorious! Way to go teams!! ONLY THE BEST AT OGMS!
Congratulations to our November students of the month. These students fit the criteria of being outstanding RAMS in each homeroom. Proud of all our OGMS students. ONLY THE BEST AT OGMS!