Congratulations to our Happy Camper of the Week! #baldwinBEthechange #awesomekiddo

Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for week 27! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend on the cart Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #baldwinBEthechange #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens

Congratulations to Chloe Burnett! She met her AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to 4th grader Ryleigh Jones for winning the Perfect Attendance prize for this week! #baldwinBEthechange #attendancematters

Congratulations to Jamisen Smith, Zachary Stacy, and Danny Vo! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Closing Early Today: 3/11/22

Due to the weather forecast for this afternoon, PSD will be dismissing two hours early today. We have bus routes that are in excess of an hour and a half in length and student safety is the priority.
Debido al tiempo para esta tarde, PSD saldrá dos horas antes hoy. Sus estudiantes llegarán a casa 2 horas antes. Por favor haga arreglos para tener a alguien en casa. Tenemos rutas de autobús que superan la hora y media de duración y la seguridad de los estudiantes es la prioridad.
Kin wt weather ne jab emman ilo elkin raelep in ranin enij koman bwe en mokaj lok ruo awa. Em rijikuul eo nejim enij rool ruo awa mokajlok. Elon bus in school ko renij herbal ilo jimetaan awa kojbarok eo an ajiri eo nejim ej men eo imaantata.

Congratulations to Stephianey Hackney and Makenzie Ogden! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Alyvya Williams, Brooklyn Rulo, Jason Ball, and Honor Adams! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Laker King, Kylee Grimsley, and Ryder King! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Sariyah Turner and Avery Lenderman! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Ja'Cobe Junkersfeld and Jade Burns! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Cody Wortman and Andre Owens! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Izaiah Inman, Andrew Holland, Emile Bates, and Brandon Cueva! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Sienna Pope, Ryleigh Jones, Aroura Rush, and Logan Phelps! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Brayleigh Crews and Nathan Nguyen! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Mason Weatherspoon! He met his AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Abbygail Motsinger and Brennan Book! They met their AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Congratulations to Jonathan Santos Lopez! He met his AR goal for the 3rd Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading

Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for week 26! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend on the cart Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #baldwinBEthechange #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens