Congratulations to Janel Tomas Calvo and Rosalin Fanning! They met their AR goal for the 4th Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading #lastnineweeks
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
The PSD pageant is BACK! 👊 The pageant is hosted by the Paragould Dance program and entry forms are available in the office of each PSD campus. The forms are due on April 22nd and the pageant will be held April 30th in the Paragould High School auditorium. 2 years old through 12th grade are allowed to enter. A copy of the entry form is below or you can email for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
PSD Pageant Form
Congratulations to 2nd grader Jason Ball for winning the Perfect Attendance prize last Friday! #baldwinBEthechange #attendancematters
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Perfect Attendance
Congratulations to our Happy Camper of the Week! #baldwinBEthechange #awesomekiddo
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Happy Camper
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for week 29! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend on the cart Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #baldwinBEthechange #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
RAMarkable Rams
Congratulations to Ryder King! He met his AR goal for the 4th Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading #lastnineweeks
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Congratulations to Kylie Polston! She met her AR goal for the 4th Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading #lastnineweeks
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Congratulations to Daviyona Turner! She met her AR goal for the 4th Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading #lastnineweeks
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
English: PSD district administrators continue to monitor the weather. Student safety is a priority. Due to current weather conditions, buses will be held on campus until we feel dismissal is safe. You will be provided with an update in approximately 15 minutes. Español: Los administradores del distrito del PSD continuan monitoreando el clima. La seguridad de los estudiantes es una prioridad. Debido a las condiciones climaticas actuales, los estudiantes quienes llevar los buses va a quedarse en la escuela. Se le proporcionara una actualizacion en aproximadamente 15 minutos.
almost 3 years ago, Nick Jankoviak
Congratulations to Edith Womack! She met her AR goal for the 4th Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading #lastnineweeks
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Tutoring Update
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
3/30 Update
English: PSD district administrators are closely monitoring the weather today. In the event severe storms arrive at or close to dismissal time, students will be held until the storms pass and it is safe to travel. Español: Los administradores del distrito de PSD estan monitoreando de cerca el clima hoy. En caso de que lleguen tormentas severas a la hora de salida o cerca de ella, los estudiantes seran retenidos hasta que pasen las tormentas y sea seguro viajar. Majol: Jikin school in ad woj ilo Paragould in ej lukun lale tok wt lan ne ad woj ranin ilo an lon storm ko rej ebbake koj em enij koman bwe en lon mokajlok ko an jikin school ko em eijukuul eo renij mokaj lok aeer school bwe en bar emman Nan as woj ettor em jikin school in an.
almost 3 years ago, Nick Jankoviak
Congratulations to Sophia Lawless! She met her AR goal for the 4th Quarter! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #readersareleaders #argoals #crushinggoals #waytogo #books #reading #lastnineweeks
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
GT students and families, MARK YOUR CALENDAR for Tuesday, April 12th at 6:00pm for GT Family Night in the PHS Auditorium. This meeting is especially important for GT students entering 5th grade and 9th grade. You won't want to miss it!
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Our March Star Wars winners! These students made the most growth since February on their STAR tests in Reading or Math! We are so proud of their progress and hard work! #baldwinBEthechange #starwars
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
March Star Wars
Looking for something FUN to do with your kids (K-6th grade) this Saturday AND/OR needing to enroll your 4 or 5 year old in Pre-K or Kindergarten? Look no further - Ready, Set, Read is from 3:00 - 5:00pm and includes FREE activities, food, and books for the whole family. We are also offering a special hour from 2:00 - 3:00pm designated for Pre-K and Kindergarten registration! We'd love to see all of our Rams and future Rams at this exciting event! See the flyers below for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
PK/K Registration & Ready, Set, Read ENG
PK/K Registration & Ready, Set, Read SPAN
PK/K Registration & Ready, Set, Read ENG
PK/K Registration & Ready, Set, Read SPAN
Baldwin Fundraiser
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Monday, April 4th
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for week 28! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend on the cart Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #baldwinBEthechange #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Ramarkable Rams
Congratulations to our Happy Camper of the Week! #baldwinBEthechange #awesomekiddo
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Happy Camper
Congratulations to the students who met their AR goal for the 3rd quarter! Our 4th and last quarter of the year starts TODAY! #argoals #baldwinBEthechange
almost 3 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR 3rd Quarter
AR 3rd Quarter
AR 3rd Quarter
AR 3rd Quarter