The police department was called to a bus accident early this morning. Both the bus and the private vehicle were operable after the incident. No injuries were reported. Students on the bus are fine and have been delivered to their school. Thank you for your patience.
about 2 years ago, Nick Jankoviak
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for last week! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
RAMarkable Rams
Congratulations to Blayden House! He won our Perfect Attendance prize on Friday! All students who have perfect attendance all week are entered into a drawing every Friday! #BEsomebody #attendancematters #behereorbesquare
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Perfect Attendance
Congratulations to 3rd grader Landon Vanslyke for being the FIRST STUDENT to meet his AR goal for the third quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goal
Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon! We will open on Monday, February 6th!
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Book Fair 2/6-2/10
Help us celebrate Kindness Week next week at Baldwin! We have themed dress up days that focus on kindness each day and students can rotate through kindness craft stations during recess! #kindnessweek2023
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Kindness Week
Congrats to 4th grader Jacob Smith for mastering his multiplication through 12’s! #multiplicationmastery #fourthgradersrock
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Multiplication Mastery
Join us for Literacy Night at 6 p.m.! We have three different read aloud stations to go through and you can also pick up your student's 2nd quarter awards! #litnight2023
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Literacy Night
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for last week! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
RAMarkable Rams
Congratulations to Joseph Mayfield! He won our Perfect Attendance prize on Friday! All students who have perfect attendance all week are entered into a drawing every Friday! #BEsomebody #attendancematters #behereorbesquare
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Attendance Matters
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
The last photo of our "better late than never" series is here and it's a perfect fit for Friday the 13th. Check out these spooktacular yogurt Frankenstein cups our cafeteria staff made for students. It's the little things that make a big difference! #psdrams #spooktacular
about 2 years ago, Paragould School District
Spooktacular Yogurt Cups
No school on Monday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day! #holiday #threedayweekend
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
2nd Quarter Perfect Attendance #bethereorbesquare #attendancematters
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Perfect Attendance
Join us on Tuesday, January 17th at 6 p.m. for Literacy Night! You can pick up your child's 2nd Quarter awards and rotate through three literacy stations with read alouds from a few great books! #literacynight
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
1/17/23 6 p.m.
The Miss PSD Pageant is going to be held on January 28, 2023. The deadline to register is January 21st. See the attached for information and the QR code to register.
about 2 years ago, Paragould School District
Little Miss PSD Pageant 2023
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for week 17! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
RAMarkable Rams
Congratulations to Joseph Clanton! He won our Perfect Attendance prize on Friday! All students who have perfect attendance all week are entered into a drawing every Friday! #BEsomebody #attendancematters #behereorbesquare
about 2 years ago, Kayla Sherlin
Perfect Attendance