Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo

Congratulations to Desmond Allen! He won our Perfect Attendance prize on Friday! All students who have perfect attendance all week are entered into a drawing every Friday! #BEsomebody #attendancematters #behereorbesquare

Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for last week! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens

Mrs. Amanda Hartley's 2nd grade class had a race to build creative flying machines on Friday! These are the two winning teams! Congratulations to Michael Edgar, River Gaines, Tealyn Wood, Brooklyn Reed, and Liam Nuckles! #stem #engineering #BEsomebody

3rd grade teacher, Ms. Amanda Foster, lead a small group of students through an activity with books about the Chinese New Year. After reading, the students created story walks to share with the whole group! #readersareleaders #reader #bookreaders #BEsomebody

BE sure to check out our BE SOMEBODY Black History Month display in our fourth grade hall honoring historical figures! Each person highlighted in the display has a QR code that leads to an educational video about their life! #BEsomebody

Congrats to 4th grader Toby Conner for mastering multiplication through the 9s!

Congratulations to 3rd graders Edith Womack and Zadden Lee for meeting their AR goal for the third quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Congratulations to 2nd grader Phoenix Ellis for meeting his AR goal for the third quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

English: School is closed Friday, February 3 due to dangerous road conditions. Students should complete Day 4 of their AMI packet.
Español: La escuela esta cerrada el viernes 3 de febrero debido a las peligrosas condiciones de la carreteras. Los estudiantes deben completar el Dia 4 de su paquete AMI.
Majol: Enaaj ejjelok jikuul ilo Bolaide, Bebode 3 itok wot jen an kauwotata ial kane. Rijikuul ro rej aikuj kadedeiklok Raan 4 ilo AMI packet ko aer.

School is closed Thursday, February 2 due to inclement weather. Students should complete Day 3 of their AMI packet. Español: La escuela está cerrada Jueves, 2 de febrero debido a las inclemencias del tiempo. Los estudiantes deben que completar el dia 3 de su paquete AMI. Majol: Rainin enaj kilok mwon jikuul kani woj. RiJikuul ro, jouj im kadredrelak Raan 3 ilo AMI Packet kani rekar lewaj.

After having an ALP chess tournament at Baldwin, Kyle Fielder was the winner. He will represent Baldwin Elementary at the Northeast Arkansas Regional Chess Tournament at a date that is TBA. Good job, Kyle!

School is closed Wednesday, February 1 due to inclement weather. Students should complete Day 2 of their AMI packet. Español: La escuela está cerrada Miercoles, 1 de febrero debido a las inclemencias del tiempo. Los estudiantes deben que completar el dia 2 de su paquete AMI. Majol: Rainin enaj kilok mwon jikuul kani woj. RiJikuul ro, jouj im kadredrelak Raan 2 ilo AMI Packet kani rekar lewaj.

School is closed Tuesday, January 31 due to inclement weather. Students should complete Day 1 of their AMI packet. Español: La escuela está cerrada Martes, el 31 de enero debido a las inclemencias del tiempo. Los estudiantes deben que completar el dia 1 de su paquete AMI. Majol: Ilju enaj kilok mwon jikuul kein woj. RiJikuul ro, jouj im kadredrelak Raan 1 ilo AMI Packet kani rekar lewaj.

The Paragould School District continues to monitor the weather. All car lines will start at 1:00 this afternoon (Monday, January 30). Due to the updated weather forecast for this afternoon, PSD will run our buses 90 minutes early. We have buses that are in excess of an hour and a half in length and student safety is the priority.
En Español
El Distrito de Paragould continúa monitoreando el clima. Todas las líneas de automóviles comenzarán a la 1:00 de esta tarde (lunes 30 de enero). Debido al pronóstico meteorológico actualizado para esta tarde, PSD ejecutará nuestro autobús 90 minutos antes. Tenemos autobuses que tienen más de una hora y media de duración y la seguridad de los estudiantes es la prioridad.
Jikuul kein an Paragould District ej etale maanwaj wot mejatoto ne an rainin. Aolep lain in car ko nan ektak naaj jino ilo 1:00 kiin eraelep ( Mande, Janod 30 raan). Jen wot nuuj ko rej lale ukooktakier ilo rainin, PSD enaaj jino aer katteri bus ko 90 minit mokajlok rainin. Ewor bus ko rej jerbej emaron aitokin juon awa nan juon jimettan awa im kejparok an rijikuul rein kemij komaje moktata.

Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for last week! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens

Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo

Congratulations to Armani Johnson! He won our Perfect Attendance prize on Friday! All students who have perfect attendance all week are entered into a drawing every Friday! #BEsomebody #attendancematters #behereorbesquare

The 2023 Miss PSD Pageant Rehearsal times have been announced. Please see the attached image and contact Jennifer Wallace with questions. Her email is jwallace@paragouldschools.net

Congratulations to 4th graders Darryck Brown and Edelaya Copeland for mastering multiplication through 9's today! Way to go! #mathmasters