A shout out to 3rd grader Chesney Brasher for mastering addition on Math Facts! #mathgenius #thirdgrademath #MovingForward

Ms. Goins' Second Grade Lexia Super Stars! #hardworkpaysoff #MovingForward

It's National Rice Krispie Treat Day and Ms. Madi Goins' class enjoyed a snack at the end of the day to celebrate! #NationalRiceKrispieTreatDay #baldwinelementary

Congratulations to Crystal Norman and Braylen Miller! They met their AR goal for the 1st quarter! We are so very proud of their hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary AR Goals

Our Fifth Annual Book Character Pumpkin Contest starts Monday, October 16th. Start making plans now! We always have TONS of student participation and this year we are adding a Teacher Category! These pumpkins will be on display during our Math Night planned for Thursday, October 19th. You will have a chance to vote for your favorites! #bookcharacterpumpkin #baldwinelementary #20232024

We are proud to announce Baldwin's September Star Wars WINNERS! These students made the most growth in Star Reading or Star Math since August! These students will attend a Stars Wars Bingo party Friday afternoon with popcorn, snacks, bingo games, and prizes! #starwarsbingo #readinggrowth #mathgrowth #baldwinelementary #MovingForward

Congratulations to 3rd grader Gage Rowland for mastering subtraction in Math Facts! #thirdgrademath #baldwinelementary #MovingForward

Ms. Wendy’s 4th grade scientists were answering the focus question: What is the effect on the force of attraction between two magnets as the distant between them changes? #fourthgradescience #baldwinelementary #MovingForward

Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #MovingForward #awesomekiddo

Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for Week 5! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend on the cart every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #MovingForward #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens

Here at Baldwin, we are working hard each day to use every minute available to learn, read, calculate, experiment, and create! When your student misses a day, they can't get those experiences back. Real learning occurs when students are here! Attendance matters each and every day! #MovingForward #baldwinelementary

We are watching our growth each month as students are increasing their reading skills! Third grade is in the lead so far, so their flower has moved up the most since August! What a great visual of #MovingForward this year at Baldwin! #readinggrowth #MovingForward #baldwinelementary

Fourth graders Shane Mangrum and Justin Smith mastered ALL operations on Imagine Math Facts! That means they are beyond proficient in subtraction, addition, multiplication, AND division! Way to go, guys! We think that is AMAZING! What a wonderful example of #MovingForward this year!#baldwinelementary #MovingForward #mathworkinfourth

To start of the year in ALP, students presented their “Bag It” projects to help us get to know more about each other and our personal interests. Next, students listened to the story, “Linus The Little Yellow Pencil” by Scott Magoon. In this story, Smudge convinces Linus the Pencil and Ernie the Eraser to find ways to work together. They also learned to take risks, try new things and find confidence in themselves. Students put a new twist to their art skills by shading their papers with pencil scribbles and using erasers to create neat pictures to go along with the story. #ALP #giftedlearning #extensionactivities

Congratulations to Jenson Hill! He met his AR goal for the 1st quarter! We are so very proud of his hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary AR Goals

Congratulations to Furious Johnson and Bryan Santiago for passing addition in math facts! We are proud of your hard work and determination! #MovingForward #baldwinelementary #additionmasters #secondgrademathgeniuses

Congratulations to Serena Foster and Will Hackney! They met their AR goal for the 1st quarter! We are so very proud of their hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary AR Goals

Ms. Karla’s second grade class charted their Star Reading growth! They will do this every month to keep track of how much they have grown as a reader throughout the year. #secondgradereading #MovingForward

Congratulations to Liam Nuckles for mastering addition! #mathgenius #MovingForward #baldwinelementary

The new Baldwin PTO Board for the 2023-2024 school year! Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 10th at 9:30 am in our library. Light refreshments will be served.