PHS football players welcomed our Baldwin car riders this morning! We play Valley View tonight at 7 pm! Come out and support the Paragould Rams! #homegame #PHS

At the end of each day, every Baldwin student moves throughout our building to attend small group instruction. Students are working on specific skills that they need extra practice to master and progress further. Our entire staff is dedicated to meeting students where they're at and making sure they get the support they need each and every day. These pictures show Mrs. Kelly's small group as they are reading, writing, and building silent e words and Ms. Wendy's group working on a context clue activity today. #smallgroupinstruction #smallgroupsdoingbigthings #MovingForward #baldwinelementary

Congratulations to Andrea Washington, Zander Beshears, and Charlotte Potter ! They met their AR goal for the 1st quarter! We are so very proud of their hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary AR Goals

To celebrate National Dot Day on September 15th, Mrs. Starla’s ALP students worked to create the tallest standing tower using 50 index cards and 30 sticky dots. It was challenging, but so much fun! #ALP #advancedlearningprogram #baldwinelementary #MovingForward #dotday

Ms. Hallee Cole's second grade students are studying Ancient China in class and are making a book with facts they have learned! #worldstudies #socialstudies #secondgradelearning #globallyaware

Lexia Super Stars: Joey Chamberlain, Layton James, Logan Phelps, Aroura Rush, James Nowell, and Rueben Myers. #lexiaprogress #MovingForward

4th Grade Lexia Super Star: June Sullinger

Throwback Thursday #2009baldwinyearbook


3rd Grade Lexia Super Stars: Laela Newberry, Gage Rowland, Alexa Gomez, Brasher Smith, and Graham Hatcher! #LexiaProgress #MovingForward #baldwinelementary

Mrs. Tonya’s RAMarkable Ram, Kayla Heussner, received a gold coin for a free book out of our vending machine!

A math question on our Rise and Shine morning announcements stumped many students but fourth grader Remmington Ramsey was up to the challenge! As a reward, she was a special guest on Ms. Tammy and Mrs. Tessa's weekly talk show, T'N'T! #TNT #morningannouncements #RiseAndShine #baldwinelementary

4th Grade Lexia Super Stars: Leianna Blanco, Stephianey Hackney, and Landon Vanslyke #lexiaprogress #MovingForward

4th grade Lexia Super Stars: Jesse Whitfield, Justin Smith, Marlee Sparkman Theolynn John, Jamisen Smith, Jade Burns, Evangeline Ellzey, Isabelle Potter, and Edith Womack! #lexiaprogress #MovingForward

Congratulations to Karter Beasley, Macy Bryan, Sawyer Smith, Kynleigh Bruce, and Jocelynn Thompson! They met their AR goal for the 1st quarter! We are so very proud of their hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary AR Goals

Baldwin students are using our new iPads to practice spelling words and homophones. #newtechgear #MovingForward

Thank you to our wonderful cafeteria staff for providing delicious meals that put smiles on our students' faces! #OurCafeteriaLadiesROCK #lunchladyland

We would like to show our immense appreciation for the retired educators that continue to impact students' lives here at Baldwin each and every day! #teachertutors #continuingtoeducate

Mark Your Calendars! We hope you can join us for our Math Night/1st Quarter Awards in October! Your family can build a catapult, estimate how far you think each item will travel, measure distances, and enjoy a snack with our school family! #mathnight

Ms. Madi Goins recognized her RAMarkable Ram for this week, Kellen Sullinger, by giving him a gold coin for our book vending machine located in the library! A HUGE thank you to Garver LLC for granting our Library Media Specialist a grant for $350 to help purchase books for this purpose! We are so very thankful for the support we receive from businesses in our great state! #RAMarkableRam #bookvendingmachine