When we say our SROs, administrators, teachers, and faculty go above and beyond, THIS is what we are talking about! A student wanted to be able to get himself to and from extracurricular activities so today SRO, Cpl Jeff Shirley bought and delivered a bike to him. We don't know who was more excited - Zander or those staff members who got to witness it. Peep the sign in the third picture - HUMAN. KIND. BE BOTH. It's a great day to be a RAM!
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Cpl Shirley giving a bike to a student
Cpl Shirley giving a bike to a student
Cpl Shirley and Mr. Gary Jackson with a student
The class of 2022 voted this year on the teachers at PHS that influenced them the most and changed their lives. The winners are Kelli Rollins-Stidham, Kelly Reddick, and John Clark. The following are a few quotes about why they were chosen. They will receive a special feature in this year's yearbook! The following were written by students: “Mrs. Rollins-Stidham has impacted my life in so many ways. I am so grateful for the bond I have been able to create with such an inspiring woman. She wants the best for her students and loves to watch each one of us grow as well as succeed." "Mrs. Reddick has been a very influential person in not only my personal life, but also the class of 2022. She will uplift you if you are having a bad day and she is always all ears if you need someone to talk to. She has given us seniors the best high school experience possible!" "I voted for Mr. Clark because of his devotion to us students. He is someone I can trust, joke with, and rely on. He is so compassionate about his job and the way he teaches; the feelings that show us he cares means the most." It's a GREAT day to be a Ram!
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Reddick, Rollins Stidham, and Clark
Don't forget sign ups AND evaluations for Boys & Girls Club 1st - 4th grade basketball is TONIGHT at the Paragould Junior High double gyms. See the schedule below or check out the Greene County Boys & Girls Club Facebook page. 1st and 2nd Grade Girls: 6:00 - 6:45pm 1st and 2nd Grade Boys: 6:45 - 7:30pm 3rd and 4th Grade Girls: 7:30 - 8:15pm 3rd and 4th Grade Boys: 8:15 - 9:00pm Remember there is a $35 sign up fee due at tonight and players should come dressed in athletic shorts/pants and shoes to be evaluated.
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
English Paragould School District will be open on Tuesday, 2/8/2022. Due to current road conditions, PSD will run snow routes for buses 64, 68, 69, 72, 74, 77, 85 and 91. Modified routes are listed on the district website and can also be located by clicking this link https://www.paragould.k12.ar.us/browse/284580 Español El distrito escolar de Paragould estara abierta el martes 8 de febrero de 2022. Debido a las condiciones actuales de las carreteras, PSD ejecutara rutas de nieve para los autobuses 64, 68, 69, 72, 74, 77, 85 y 91. Las rutas modificadas se enumeran en el sitio web del distrito y también se pueden ubicar haciendo clic en este enlace https://www.paragould.k12.ar.us/browse/284580 Majol Paragould jikuul district enij bellok ilo juje, 2/8/2022. Itok wt jen an kar nana ial Kane PSD enij jinoe bellok kar ial in snow ko nan bus noba Kane 64,68,69,72,74,77,85 em 91. Ial in snow renij bed ilo Paragould jikuul district website Kane em renij bareniwt bed ijjene ne konij click e link ne lal https://www.paragould.k12.ar.us/browse/284580
almost 3 years ago, Nick Jankoviak
The ACT® is a national college admissions examination recognized by universities and colleges in the US. The State of Arkansas will provide one opportunity for all Arkansas 11th grade students to test at their respective high schools during spring of 2022. Note that the ACT is offered throughout the year at different testing sites, but the State is sponsoring the spring administration dates below only. The ACT: will be given at Paragould High School to all 11th grade students on: March 1, 2022 Accommodated tests will be given: March 1-4 & March 7-11, 2022 Makeup only testing is: April 12, 2022
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
School is closed Monday 2/7/22 due to inclement weather/road conditions. Students should complete Day 5 of their AMI packet. Español: La escuela esta cerrada el lunes 7/2/22 debido de las inclemencias del tiempo/condiciones de camino. Los estudiantes deben que completar el dia 5 de su paquete AMI. Majol: Enej ejelok jikuul ilo raan in Mandre 2/7/22 enwot ad jela ke enej jino m ijuur iaal kein ad. RiJikuul ro rej aikuj komane pepa in AMI DAY 5 ko aer.
almost 3 years ago, Nick Jankoviak
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The Boys and Girls Club Basketball signups and evaluations scheduled for today have been POSTPONED due to continued icy parking lots. Please refer to the Greene County Boys and Girls Club Facebook page for a rescheduled sign up date. #psdrams
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Congratulations to PJHS Counselor, Samantha Tilley, who was recognized this week as Counselor of the Year at the American School Counselor of the Year Awards Gala in Washington, DC! Your Ram Family is proud of you! #psdrams #counseloroftheyear
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Samantha Tilley Counselor of the Year
Samantha Tilley Counselor of the Year
Samantha Tilley Counselor of the Year
The TIMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED for the Greene County Boys and Girls Club basketball signups and evaluations for girls and boys in grades 2-4 tomorrow (Saturday 2/5/22). They will still be held at the PJHS Double Gyms. See attached photo or go to their Facebook page for more information. 1st and 2nd grade girls: 1:00-2:00pm 1st and 2nd grade boys: 2:00-3:00pm 3rd and 4th grade girls: 3:00-4:00pm 3rd and 4th grade boys: 4:00-5:00pm
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Greene County Boys and Girls Club BBall signups
Pepe, an exchange student got his first sleet and sledding experience this week thanks to his host family. Hosting an exchange student is an unforgettable experience for all involved and we are thankful for families who allow their students to join our Ram family! #psdrams
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Pepe sledding with host family
Ms. Katelyn Moore's class watched Punxsutawney Phil come out and predict the weather on Groundhog Day! They also made their own predictions before watching the video and Groundhog Day hats to celebrate!
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day
PHS nominated four of their top seniors for the Exchange Club Student of the Month award: Fernanda Morales, Asriah Little, Ashton Rodrigues, and Zed Alhallak. Recently, these students proudly represented the Rams at a luncheon with Exchange Club members. We are pleased to announce Ashton Rodrigues was awarded the Student of the Month title and will go on to compete for Student of the Year, which will include a scholarship if he wins. Way to go, Rams!
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
4 PHS Seniors
Ashton Rodrigues
English School is closed Friday 2/4/22 due to inclement weather/road conditions. Students should complete Day 4 of their AMI packet. Español: La escuela está cerrada el viernes 2/4/22 debido a las inclemencias del tiempo/condiciones de camino. Los estudiantes deben completar el día 4 de su paquete AMI. Majol: Enej ejelok jikuul ilo raan in Bolaide 2/4/22 enwot ad jela ke enej jino m ijuur iaal kein ad. RiJikuul ro rej aikuj komane pepa in AMI DAY 4 ko aer.
almost 3 years ago, Nick Jankoviak
Congratulations to PHS Dance Team members, Natalie Horner and Taylor Runsick for being named to the 2021-22 All Star Dance team! What an accomplishment!
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Natalie Horner and Taylor Runsick
All State Dance Team
Teacher leadership is defined as “the set of skills demonstrated by teachers who continue to teach students but also have an influence that extends beyond their own classrooms to others within their own school and elsewhere." Congratulations to Paragould Primary first grade teacher, Stefanie Hatcher, who was accepted into the Arkansas Leadership Academy Teacher Leader Program! Your Ram Family is proud of you!
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Stefanie Hatcher
English New guidance has been provided by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education. If your child is a probable close contact to someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 you will be notified, but not required to quarantine unless your child shows symptoms. Please see the attached document for additional information. Español La División de Educación Primaria y Secundaria proporcionó una nueva guía. Si su hijo es probablemente un contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19, se le notificara, pero no se le exigirá que lo ponga en cuarentena a menos que su hijo muestre síntomas. Consulte el documento adjunto para obtener información adicional. Majol Men eo ekeel in ej itok jen Division eo ilo elementary em secondary education eo. Ne ajiri eo nejim enij bed ebaake armej eo ekar etal em kakkool em elon an positive ikkijeen covid-19 konij kalikare e ak ejjab lukun aurok bwe en quarantine nan ne elon kakkool ko in namij ibben. Jouj em lale attached document em elon lok melele ko ie.
almost 3 years ago, Nick Jankoviak
K-12 Quarantine Letter - English
K-12 Quarantine Letter - Spanish
K-12 Quarantine Letter - Marshallese
English: School is closed Thursday 2/3/22 due to inclement weather/road conditions. Students should complete Day 3 of their AMI packet. Español: La escuela está cerrada el jueves 3/2/22 debido a las inclemencias del tiempo/condiciones de camino. Los estudiantes deben completar el día 3 de su paquete AMI. Majol: Enej ejelok jikuul ilo raan in Tajie 2/3/22 enwot ad jela ke enej jino m ijuur iaal kein ad. RiJikuul ro rej aikuj komane pepa in AMI DAY 3 ko aer.
almost 3 years ago, Nick Jankoviak
Quasimodo. Q-U-A-S-I-M-O-D-O. Quasimodo. And that is the word that won OGMS 5th grader, Ahlam Nur the Greene County Spelling Bee last night! Way to go - your Ram Family is proud of you! Next up, State Spelling Bee. #psdrams #spellingbeechamp
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
Ahlam Nur Spelling Bee Winner
Check it out! 18 OGMS students and staff members took the plunge last Saturday - the Polar Plunge that is! While that is awesome, the best part is the school raised over $2,100 to donate to the Special Olympics. Great job, OGMS! #psdrams #specialolympics #polarplunge
almost 3 years ago, Paragould School District
OGMS Polar Plunge
Dial and students take the plunge
Morgan Taylor and daughter at the plunge
Students take the plunge
English: The number of students and staff currently quarantined as a result of close contact to positive COVID-19 cases has significantly decreased. As a result, the Paragould School District will remove the face covering requirement for students and staff beginning Tuesday, February 1. PSD will continue to follow guidance provided by the Arkansas Department of Health. Students and staff returning from isolation or quarantine on day 6 must wear a mask through the 10th day. Español: El número de estudiantes y personal actualmente en cuarentena como resultado del contacto cercano con COVID-19 positivo ha disminuido significativamente. Como resultado, el Distrito Escolar de Paragould eliminará el requisito de cobertura facial para los estudiantes y el personal a partir del martes 1 de febrero. PSD continuará siguiendo las directrices proporcionadas por el Departamento de Salud de Arkansas. Los estudiantes y personal que regresan del aislamiento o la cuarentena el día 6 deben usar máscara hasta el día 10. Majol: Number in rijukkul em rijerbal renij quarantine ne elon aer kokaleen covid 19. Paragould school distric rejnij remove ie face cover kein aeer ilo nej jinoe jen juje february 1. PSD jenij lori kitten kein aeer rej itok jen arkansas department eo an jikin ejmour eo. Rijukuul eo em rijerbal eo renij rool jen isolation ak jikin quarantine eo 6 raan ak ijo k ren ekkonaak mask ko nan 10 raan.
almost 3 years ago, Nick Jankoviak