dance team pic

PHS Students,

This Saturday, November 13th, our PHS Dance team will be competing for the state dance competition at Lake Hamilton High School. Since our numbers in relation to COVID are currently down, I am happy to announce that to help support our dance team we will be providing the opportunity for a pep bus to go to Lake Hamilton on Saturday to support our team! 

If you are interested in being on this pep bus you must do the following: 

  1. The PHS Student Services Office must have a signed permission slip from the legal guardian of the student turned in by Friday- November 12th at 12:00pm. The note must have a phone number in which the staff can confirm the permission of that student to go on the pep bus. 

  2. The student must show their ticket that they have purchased online/through their phone for entrance into the event. The total price for the tickets is $7.30. ( $6.00 for ticket + another $1.30 in fees to buy an online ticket.) 

    1. Link to website to purchase ticket: Link to website to buy tickets

    2. Reminder- students must purchase the ticket online and show this ticket to one of the staff members in the PHS Student Services office prior to Friday, Nov. 12th at 12:00pm. 

  3. The student will following guidelines for going on the trip: 

    1. Student agrees to follow the direction of the staff members on the trip 

    2. Students will follow good etiquette both while riding the bus to/from the event and while watching the performances at the competition. 

    3. If a student misbehaves on this trip they may lose the opportunity to be able to go on future trips for the rest of the school year. 

    4. Student agrees to be at the PHS Gym Parking lot on Saturday, Nov.13th by 5:45am. The student agrees to be on time for the departure and understands that failing to be on time for the pep bus may result in them not being able to join/ride the school bus. 

    5. Students are aware that any stops to, from, and at the state competition for food/ meals are solely the responsibility of the student. No money will be provided for the students to use from the school. 

    6. The pep bus will arrive back at PHS around 7:00pm.

Again, if you are wanting to ride the pep bus for this state competition this Saturday, Nov. 13th to support our dance team please do these items listed above. Thank you for your support of our dance team!

Go Rams! 

Josh Shepherd


Paragould High School