There will be NO AFTER SCHOOL TUTORING, today, Tuesday, December 3rd! Enjoy the Christmas Parade!

Friendly reminder, parents! We will see everyone back on campus on Tuesday!

There will be NO SCHOOL Monday, November 25th - Monday December 2nd.
Students will return to school Tuesday, December 3rd.

Thanksgiving break is 11/25 - 12/2. Students return to school on Tuesday 12/3/24.

OGMS Make up picture day is TOMORROW! If your child was absent or you need retakes just because, tomorrow is THE day. Order forms are available in the office, or if you want to order online, the event code is EVTCFKDQF.

Congratulations to our Ballard's Flowers Teacher of the Week, Mrs. Dinkins!

Congratulations to our 2nd nine weeks Jump Rope Champions in PE!

Our 5th grade social studies classes are helping to develop future voters! During the election cycle - and as a part of their learning about elections in the United States - students followed swing states and tracked polling numbers in order to make a prediction in the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

6th grade isn't afraid of the dark.... or MATH. Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Williams classes used flashlights to order and compare rational numbers today!

Tomorrow is a house celebration day at OGMS! Wear your house colors!

Join us for breakfast with grandparents next week at OGMS!
5th Grade - 11/12 7:30 AM
6th Grade - 11/13 7:30 AM

Here is the November Newsletter for Oak Grove Middle School! These should be coming home with students today!

Hello OGMS family! Happy Halloween! We wanted to remind parents and guardians of our after school tutoring students that there will be no after school tutoring this afternoon. Students will go home their normal way.
Enjoy the day!

Our very own Mrs. Williams nearly got carried away by an alien this morning in car line! Everyone stay safe today, enjoy the rain, and watch out for aliens!
Happy Halloween, everyone! 🎃🎃🎃🎃

Students will not be allowed to wear costumes or face paint on campus tomorrow. Encourage them to save their dressing up energy for Friday night at the Monster Mash!
Additionally, there will be NO TUTORING after school tomorrow (Thursday, October 31).

Don't forget - Battle for the Bell t-shirt orders and money are due today. You can drop off orders at any PSD school or the PSD administration building. We also have order forms in each school if needed. Remember, all proceeds go to TOGETHER WE FOSTER. #2Schools1Community

No school on Monday! This will be a teacher work day for our staff.

Homecoming week kicks off this Sunday night with a "Movie Under the Stars" event on the Paragould High School campus - all Rams welcome! So bring your blankets and lawn chairs and join us as we watch "Alice in Wonderland". Gates open at 6:15pm and the movie starts at 7:00pm. No cost to enter. Concessions will be available.

Join us next week for celebration of Homecoming in Wonderland AND Red Ribbon Week! Please join us in dressing up (see our dress up days in this post) AND in helping our food pantry by donating food items in our Houses Against Hunger drive. ALL food items collected will go to our district and building food pantry so that we can help provide extra food and snacks for those students who need them.

Arkansas students in grades 3-10 took a new state test in the spring of 2024 through the Arkansas Teaching & Learning Assessment System (ATLAS). In addition, students in grades K-3 recently completed the ATLAS Screener. You can access information about your child’s performance through the ATLAS Family Portal. This resource includes the results of your child’s performance on all ATLAS tests. Information regarding how to access scores was sent home with your child today. Click on the following links for additional information regarding ATLAS assessments.