OGE Parents: We now have a plan in place and are ready to begin collecting students' AMI work. Each day (beginning this afternoon) there will be tubs (marked by grade level) placed outside on our carline benches for your convenience. Simply drop your student's AMI work into the appropriate tub. **Please make sure your student's name, grade level, and teacher's name is on all work turned in.** All students will have AMI packets (Days 1-10) to turn in upon completion. Students who chose PBS resources as their method of AMI instruction following those initial 10 days will have weekly Self-Reporting Progress Reports to turn in upon completion. Those choosing District Technology (Imagine Math, Imagine Language & Literacy, Imagine Math Facts) following those initial 10 days will have their time in the programs monitored electronically. We realize that this is a difficult and stressful time for all of our families as we settle into this kind of instruction. Please don't feel pressured with a timeline. Just turn in student AMI work at your convenience. We realize everyone will be (and needs to be) working at their own pace.
April 8, 2020