Congratulations to our Baldwin Teacher of the Year: Ms. Rachel Wheeler! #baldwinBEthechange #teacheroftheyear

Baldwin's Citizenship Awards! These students were recognized for their excellent behavior throughout the year and were treated to donuts and juice with our principal, Mr. Elmore, this morning! #baldwinBEthechange #citizenship

Baldwin's All Year Honor Roll Awards #baldwinBEthechange #honorroll #endofyearawards

Baldwin's End of Year Strive 4 Five Award Winners! These hard working students missed five or less days during our 2020-2021 school year! Way to go! We are so. very proud of you! Your dedication to being at school and learning should be commended! #baldwinBEthechange #strive4five

Congratulations to 3rd grader Dexter Williams! He had perfect attendance all year long! Way to go, Dexter! Dexter won a medal, certificate, and a $75 Walmart gift card! #baldwinBEthechange #perfectattendance #showupandworkhard

Congratulations to 3rd grader Jenna Webb! She won Baldwin's "Best School Spirit" award! Jenna is a student who is constantly uplifting others and has been described as "sunshine in human form." Way to go, Jenna! You are an amazing example of a Baldwin SHARK! #baldwinBEthechange #schoolspiritaward #endofyearawards

Baldwin's End of Year Awards will be announced tomorrow! #baldwinBEthechange #endofyearawards #recognizingexcellence

One day of school left! #lastdayvibes #haveagreatsummer #seeyainaugust

Congratulations to our Baldwin Super Sharks! #baldwinBEthechange #supersharks #hardwork #greatbehavior

Class pictures are still available. Only $10 each! These may be purchased in our office with Mrs. Vicki.

Grade level picnics are scheduled for next week. Unfortunately, due to covid restrictions, families will not be allowed to attend picnics this year. #gradelevelpicnics

Summer Food Program

Paragould School District is happy to announce our Summer Feeding Program for 2021. Here are the details:
* Ages 1-18
* June 1 - July 30, 2021
* Primary and PJHS/PHS: 8-9 am and 11 am - 12:30 pm
* Paragould Housing Authority Pecan Grove: 11-11:30 am
* Labor Park: 12-12:30 pm

Check out our Digital Art Show! #baldwinBEthechange #digitalartshow #art #artshow

Summer care information for grades K-6:

Congratulations to Mason Mullen for meeting his AR goal for the fourth nine weeks! Wow! Way to go! We are so proud of you! #baldwinBEthechange #AR #crushinggoals #readersareleaders

Congratulations to our Baldwin Super Sharks! #baldwinBEthechange #supersharks #hardwork #greatbehavior

Congratulations to the AMAZING Baldwin students who met their AR goal every quarter this year! This is quite an accomplishment and we couldn't be prouder of them! Way to go! #baldwinBEthechange #ar #allfourquarters #yearlongdedication #argoals

Congratulations to our 4th Quarter AR students! These students met their grade level goal and will attend an AR celebration on Monday! #baldwinBEthechange #arcelebration #ar

Imagine Learning has recognized Baldwin as one of the top schools across the country for innovation, dedication, and exemplary usage of Imagine Learning Digital Programs. We are so proud to accept this 2020-2021 Imagine Nation Award and congratulate the other students and teachers across the country that were recognized as well. #baldwinBEthechange #digitallearning #alwaysgrowing #imaginelearningbeaconschool