Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo

Congratulations to Zayde Walton, Brayleigh Crews, Justin Smith, Bailey Moore, Cammi Pope, and Savannah Heussner for meeting their AR goal for the third quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Congrats to fourth graders Chloe Evans and Asa Rutledge for mastering multiplication through 12's and Leeloo Stephenson for mastering her facts through 9's! #fourthgrademath #BaldwinElementary

We would like to thank the PSD jazz band for visiting Baldwin Wednesday morning and providing a great concert experience for students and staff! #BaldwinElementary

Congratulations to Parker Lancaster, Kylee Grimsley, Ja'Cobe Junkersfeld, Tristan LaRue, Chloe Burnett, Serenity Wilburn, Aiden Thompson, and Ryder King for meeting their AR goal for the third quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Congratulations to Braelyn Moya, Riley Ramsey, Dakota McHenry, Jaylene Scott, Andrew Weiss, Chloe Evans, London Perry, Toby Conner, Caylee Finley, and Kyle Fielder for meeting their AR goal for the third quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Congratulations to Ashley Glacken and Desmond Allen for meeting their AR goal for the third quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Congrats to fourth graders Joshua Muniz and Noah LaRue for mastering multiplication through 9's! #fourthgrademath #BaldwinElementary

Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #BEsomebody #awesomekiddo

Congratulations to John Mayberry! He won our Perfect Attendance prize on Friday! All students who have perfect attendance all week are entered into a drawing every Friday! #BEsomebody #attendancematters #behereorbesquare

Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for last week! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens

Last week, Mrs. Tessa had students vote for their favorite Dr. Seuss character! Here are the winners according to our readers at Baldwin students! #BaldwinElementary #BEsomebody

Students in Ms. Madi’s second grade class have been learning about Westward Expansion. They got to enjoy a Wagon Train Supper and experience what the pioneers would have eaten on The Oregon Trail. #BaldwinElementary #oregantrailstudy

Donate blood this Friday to help PSD beat GCT, and more importantly, help save lives! Five lucky donors will receive a $3,000 VISA prepaid card! #bloodbattle

The PHS Key Club is hosting a blood drive this Friday, March 10th from 8:00-2:30 p.m. on the high school campus. This drive is a competition between PHS and GCT to see which school can collect more pints at their spring drive. You save 3 lives with each pint you donate, and as an added bonus, you will receive a $10 Visa e-gift card and a Paragould Red Cross t-shirt. Check out the flyer to sign up!

Congratulations to Chesney Brasher and Michael Edgar for meeting their AR goal for the third quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

We would sincerely like to thank every family that toured Baldwin yesterday afternoon! We enjoyed meeting you and your sweet first graders that will hopefully be Baldwin Rams in the fall! We can't wait to see you in August! Exciting things are always happening at Baldwin! #BEsomebody #BaldwinElementary #wedontdoaveragewedoawesome

1st grade parents/guardians - the link for the Elementary School Application is live now. The online application is available March 8 - 10. Click the link below or go to the PSD website. (For upcoming 2nd graders only)

Congratulations to Carson Milburn and Cam Anderson for meeting their AR goal for the third quarter! Way to go! #BEsomebody #readersareleaders #arreading

Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for last week! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend in the store every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #BEsomebody #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens