Congratulations to Kellen Sullinger, Mia Martinez, Kannan Ellington, Farryn Hawkins, Ryker Moss, Kimberlynn Membreno, Dezerae Motsinger, and Heaven Greer! They met their AR goal for the 3rd quarter! We are so very proud of their hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
AR Goals
Don't forget to order your student's yearbook! All students who purchase a yearbook get to attend our Yearbook Signing Party! #2324yearbooks #memories #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Lexia Superstar Ethan Beck!! #lexiasuperstar #readingprogram #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Lexia Superstar
The District is currently exploring calendar options for the 2024-2025 school start date. We are asking for your feedback. Would you support efforts in seeking a waiver to start the 2024-2025 school year as soon as August 12, 2024, in place of August 19, 2024? Starting a week early will give the District a better chance of being out of school prior to Memorial Day. Click the link below to submit your response.
about 1 year ago, Nick Jankoviak
The Paragould Police Department is investigating a threatening note found on the Junior High School Campus. They have determined where the note originated and have arrested the student that wrote the note. The District encourages parents to speak with their children about the seriousness and potential consequences of making threats, even as a joke. All threats are taken seriously and investigated, and any students caught making threats may face possible criminal charges and expulsion from school. Student safety will always be paramount within the Paragould School District.
about 1 year ago, Nick Jankoviak
The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education has issued a waiver that allows Districts to transition their calendar from traditional to alternate. Alternate calendars require 1,068 hours. Through the waiver process Districts have been allowed to "bank" instructional time and substitute that time for inclement weather days. The Paragould School District exceeds the minimum standard of 6 hours of instruction each day and will take advantage of the waiver process. Transitioning to an alternate calendar ensures that all PreK-12 students will NOT be required to make up inclement weather days for up to 7 days. The District is currently exploring calendar options for the 2024-2025 school start date. We are asking for your feedback. Would you support efforts in seeking a waiver to start the 2024-2025 school year as soon as August 12, 2024, in place of August 19, 2024? Click the link below to submit your response.
about 1 year ago, Nick Jankoviak
Third grader Graham Hatcher mastered multiplication math facts! #thirdgrademath #hardworkpaysoff #waytogo #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Multiplication Master
Lexia Superstars Levi Newman and Ryleigh Spencer! #lexiasuperstars #readingprogram #MovingForward #baldwinelemen
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Lexia Superstar
Lexia Superstar
Congratulations to Will Hackney! He met his AR goal for the 3rd quarter! We are so very proud of his hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
PSD to host 2nd Bond Restructure Public Forum this Thursday at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held on the Oak Grove Middle School campus. All are welcome and invited to attend.
about 1 year ago, Paragould School District
Public Forum OGMS
Earlier this morning the Paragould Police Department launched an investigation regarding a social media post. The threat has been addressed and the investigation is actively moving forward at this time. We certainly appreciate local authorities for their quick response and their assistance in resolving this matter. Student safety will always be paramount within the Paragould School District. We appreciate your understanding.
about 1 year ago, Nick Jankoviak
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #MovingForward #awesomekiddo
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for Week 24! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend on the cart every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #MovingForward #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
RAMarkable Rams
The Paragould School District has been made aware of a random social media post. Authorities were notified and have determined where the post originated. This matter is currently under investigation. Out of precaution, additional officers will be on site. The safety of our students and staff is high priority for the district. We will continue to work with the Paragould Police Department to investigate this matter to the fullest and keep the public aware of developments to the best of our ability.
about 1 year ago, Nick Jankoviak
ALP students participated in a chess tournament for third grade and fourth grade. The chess winners were: Third grade: Chess Champion: Desmond Allen and 2nd place: Chesney Brasher Fourth grade: Chess Champion: Justin Smith and 2nd place: Parker Lancaster Way to go! All the students are improving at the game of chess! #ALP #advancedlearningprogram #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
ALP Chess
ALP Chess
Congratulations to Edith Womack and Furious Johnson! They met their AR goal for the 3rd quarter! We are so very proud of their hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
AR Goals
Congratulations to Jaidyn Lloyd! He met his AR goal for the 3rd quarter! We are so very proud of his hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Congratulations to Liam Nuckles! He met his AR goal for the 3rd quarter! We are so very proud of his hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Congratulations to Adalyn Nuckles! She met her AR goal for the 3rd quarter! We are so very proud of her hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Lexia Superstars Felix Hammon, Kender Wengenke, Blayden House, and Izzac Waddell #lexiasuperstars #readingprogram #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
about 1 year ago, Kayla Sherlin
Lexia Superstars
Lexia Superstars