Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #MovingForward #awesomekiddo
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Lexia Superstars Gracey Heddey, Liliana Archibald, Kellen Sullinger, Kacen Knowles, Kannan Ellington, Matthew Phelps, Karagon Halstead, Dakota Ramsey, and Ethan Beck #lexiasuperstars #readingprogram #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Lexia Superstars
Lexia Superstars Sara Scott, Payton Smith, Carson Milburn, Shane Mangrum, and Nehemiah Anjain #lexiasuperstars #readingprogram #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Lexia Superstars
Our RAMarkable Baldwin RAMS for Week 22! These amazing kiddos earned a bonus 10 DOJO DOLLARS to spend on the cart every other Thursday! They were chosen by their homeroom teacher for having an outstanding attitude and exemplary behavior. #MovingForward #baldwinrams #greatbehavior #hardworkpaysoff #greatcitizens
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
RAMarkable Rams
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #MovingForward #awesomekiddo
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #MovingForward #awesomekiddo
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Congratulations to Liam Nuckles and Jenson Hill for completing Grade 3 Imagine Math! #imaginemath #thirdgraderockstars #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Imagine Math
Lexia Superstars Kasen Gramling, Kayden Dean, Crystal Norman, Sawyer Smith, and Braylen Miller! #lexiasuperstars #readingprogram #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Lexia Superstars
Lexia Superstars
Congratulations to Baldwin's Library Media Specialist, Ms. Kayla Sherlin, for being chosen as Ballard's Flowers Teacher of the Week! #teacheroftheweek #communitysupport #baldwinelementary
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Teacher of the Week
Lexia Superstars Ryker Moss, heaven Greer, Aiden Mitchusson, Brantley Morris, Furious Johnson, and Bryan Santiago! #lexiasuperstars #readingprogram #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Lexia Superstars
Congratulations to Aiden Mitchusson! He met his AR goal for the 3rd quarter! We are so very proud of his hard work and determination. We believe that Baldwin Readers are Leaders! #readinggoals #readersareleaders #AR #hardworkpaysoff #GRIT #MovingForward #baldwinelementary
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
AR Goals
Our annual School Store packets are coming home today! Follow the instructions and return the envelope tomorrow with your code written on the outside and your student receives a fun stuffed book buddy just for participating. This simple way to help Baldwin is easy and free to do! #schoolstore #nocosttoyou
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
School Store
After school tutoring at Baldwin resumes today! #tutoring
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
After School Tutoring
Congratulations to our Student Spotlight of the Week! #MovingForward #awesomekiddo
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Student Spotlight
Kindness Week project to support the Arkansas Special Olympics. #thegreatkindnesschallenge2024
11 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Kindness Week
Kindness Week
English: Buses will run regular routes on Monday, January 22 and will only avoid areas that are not safe for travel. Español: Los autobuses pasaran por las rutas normales el lunes 22 de enero y solo evitaran las carreteras que no sean seguras para viajar. Majol: Bus ko waan jikuul renaaj būk wōt imminene in ial ko aer ilo Mande, Jānwōde 22 im naaj ellā wōt jen ial ko rejjab emman ñan ettōr ie.
11 months ago, Nick Jankoviak
Buses will run regular routes on Monday, January 22 and will only avoid areas that are not safe for travel. There is a slight risk of inclement weather tomorrow morning. PSD district administrators will continue to monitor the weather and will make any necessary changes based on road conditions. Student safety will always be a top priority Thank you for your patience and support. Español: Los autobuses pasaran por las rutas normales el lunes 22 de enero y solo evitaran las carreteras que no sean seguras para viajar. Existe un riesgo de mal tiempo mañana por la mañana. Los administradores del distrito de PSD continuarán monitoreando el clima y harán los cambios necesarios en las condiciones de las carreteras. La seguridad de los estudiantes siempre será una prioridad. Gracias por su paciencia y apoyo. Majol: Bus ko waan jikuul renaaj būk wōt imminene in ial ko aer ilo Mande, Jānwōde 22 im naaj ellā wōt jen ial ko rejjab emman ñan ettōr ie. Administrator ro an PSD rej etale maanlok wot mejatoto ne im naaj karoñ komwōj elañe ewor oktak in ennaan in ial kane. Ineeman ak kejparok an ajiri rein rej men eo kemij lomnake imaantata. Komol kin jipañ im kijenmej amiwoj kajjojo!
11 months ago, Nick Jankoviak
*Lexia Superstars Carson Mothershed, Remmington Ramsey, and Leslie Thomas. #readingprogram #lexiaprogress #MovingForward
12 months ago, Kayla Sherlin
Lexia Superstars
Attention Little Dancers and OGMS Archers! Little Dancers - The game and performance scheduled for tonight has been CANCELED. Rescheduled date of performance is January 24th. Little Dancers should meet in the PJHS gym at 5:30pm on 1/24/24. They will perform during half time of the boys game (approximately 6:00pm). Contact Jennifer Wallace with questions OGMS - the archery tournament scheduled for this Saturday, 1/20/24 is STILL ON! We look forward to seeing all the archers at OGMS for their flight time. All PSD students and archers get in free. Adult admission is $3/person. Call OGMS with questions (870) 240-2241. Go Rams!
12 months ago, Paragould School District
PSD will be in session on Friday, January 19. Buses will run snow routes and will only avoid areas that are not safe for travel. Snow routes have been posted on the District website. Only modified bus routes are listed on the website. All other routes will run as normal. Español: PSD estará en sesión el viernes 19 de enero. Los autobuses circularán por rutas de nieve y solo evitarán áreas que no sean seguras para viajar. Las rutas de nieve se han publicado en el sitio web del Distrito. En el sitio web solo se enumeran las rutas de autobús modificadas. Todas las demás rutas serán normales. Majol: Jikuul kein an PSD renaaj bar jeplaak im ijjino ilo Bolaide, Jànwode 19 raan. Bus ko renaaj ettor wot ilo ial ko rejiņo bōtaab reban bōk ial ko rekauwōtata. Ial ko rejiņo emōj kalikkari ilo wepjait an jikuul kein. Bus ko wot me ewōr oktak ikijjeen ial ko aer wōt emōj kalikari ilo wepjait in. Ial ko jet an bus kein renaaj būk wōt imminene ko aer.
12 months ago, Nick Jankoviak