K-12 Coordinator
Paragould Primary Kindergarten, Baldwin Elementary & Woodrow Wilson Elementary School
PSD elementary ALP students have been learning about the history of Greene County and Paragould. To wrap up the unit of study, students took a field trip on Oct. 10th. We started out at the old courthouse where we heard about the history of our town and the Frank Nash story. Mayor Josh Agee, Judge Rusty McMillion and Erik Wright spoke with students about our town. Next, students participated in a mock trial "The Case of the Stolen Candy Bar" as they saw the judicial process played out in the old courtroom.
Later, we saw a canine demonstration, painted a caboose Christmas ornament in Centennial Park, searched for the hidden railroad spike at the caboose, ate lunch at Skinny J's, and heard about the history of old buildings including a visit to Collins Theatre. Students supported local businesses downtown by going to Something Sweet and Downtown Nutrition. DN offered teas named after our school houses: Crowley, Futrell, Collins, Reynolds Gould and Paramore. We ended the day at the Greene County Museum as we heard about and saw the Paragould Meteorite on display.
Paragould School District is currently accepting nominations for the Advanced Learning Program. Please contact Starla Wood, GT Coordinator, at 240-2231 or email her at swood@paragouldschools.net to nominate a student for the program.
K-12 Coordinator
Paragould Primary Kindergarten, Baldwin Elementary & Woodrow Wilson Elementary School
K-6 GT Facilitator
Oak Grove Elementary and Middle School
AP District Coordinator/7-12 Facilitator
Paragould Primary 1st Grade, Paragould Junior High School, Paragould High School
870-240-2271 Ext: 6024